SL No. | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Indexed in (UGC/Scopus/ESCI/SCIE/SCI) | Year | ISBN/ISSN number | DOI |
1 | Investigating the relationship between earthquake occurrences and climate change using RNN-based deep learning approach | Bikash Sadhukhan, Somenath Mukherjee, Shayak Chakraborty | Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer | SCIE | Dec-21 | Electronic ISSN : 1866-7538 Print ISSN : 1866-7511 | |
2 | Impact of Climate Change on Seismicity: A Statistical Approach | Chiranjit Maji, Bikash Sadhukhan, Somenath Mukherjee, Saroj Khutia, Hirok Chaudhuri | Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer | SCIE | Nov-21 | Electronic ISSN : 1866-7538 Print ISSN : 1866-7511 | |
3 | Hurst Exponent Estimation Using Neural Network | Somenath Mukherjee, Bikash Sadhukhan, Arghya Kusum Das, Abhra Chaudhuri, | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering | Scopus, ESCI | Nov-21 | ISSN online: 1742-7193 ISSN print: 1742-7185 |
4 | Stochastic Model for Intelligent Cell Level Mobility Prediction in Next Generation Wireless Networks | Raj Kumar Samanta, Bikash Sadhukhan,Hiranmay Samaddar, Suvobrata Sarkar, Chandan Koner, Arpan Choudhary | INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science | UGC Care | Nov-21 | ISSN: 1807-4545 (print) e-ISSN: 1982-3363 (online) | |
5 | Investigating the Relationship between Earthquake Occurrences and Global Temperature Fluctuation Patterns | Bikash Sadhukhan, Somenath Mukherjee, Debarpito Sarkar, Raj Kumar Samanta | Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer | SCIE | Sep-21 | Electronic ISSN : 1866-7538 Print ISSN : 1866-7511 | |
6 | Stock Market Prediction Using Deep Learning Algorithms | Somenath Mukherjee, Bikash Sadhukhan, Nairita Sarkar, Debojyoti Roy, Soumil De | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | Scopus, ESCI | Sep-21 | ISSN 2468-2322 | |
7 | Multifractal, Nonlinear and Chaotic nature of Earthquake and Global Temperature | Bikash Sadhukhan, Somenath Mukherjee, Shounak Banerjee,Raj Kumar Samanta | Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer | SCIE | Aug-21 | Electronic ISSN : 1866-7538 Print ISSN : 1866-7511 | |
8 | An ACO-based multi-objective optimization for cooperating VM placement in cloud data center | K. Karmakar, R.K. Das and S. Khatua | Journal of Supercomputing | SCIE (IF 2.474) |
2021 | Print ISSN: 0920-8542 Electronic ISSN: 1573-0484 |
10.1007/s11227-021-03978-z |
9 | IPLQueeN: Integrity Preserving Low-Overhead Query Handling Over NDN-Based WSN | Tanusree Chatterjee, Somnath Karmakar, Sipra Das Bit | IEEE Access | SCI, SCOPUS | 2021 | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3086460 |
10 | Efficient Data Storage and Name Look-up in Named Data Networking using Connected Dominating Set and Patricia Trie | Tanusree Chatterjee, Sushmita Ruj, Sipra Das Bit | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences Journal, Springer | SCOPUS,ESCI | 2021 | Yet to come | Yet to come |
11 | An Efficient Intrusion Detection System on Various Datasets Using Machine Learning Techniques | D. Chatterjee | Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security [Book Chapter] | Scopus | 2021 | 9781119762256 | |
12 | Bandwidth allocation for communicating virtual machines in cloud data centers | K. Karmakar, R.K. Das and S. Khatua | Journal of Supercomputing | SCIE (IF 2.474) |
2020 | Print ISSN: 0920-8542 Electronic ISSN: 1573-0484 |
10.1007/s11227-019-03128-6 |
13 | Semantic Web and Web Page Clustering Algorithms: A Landscape View | Ahmed J. Obaid, Tanusree Chatterjee, Abhishek Bhattacharya | Energy Web Journal, EAI Transactions | SCOPUS | 2020 | 10.4108/eai.18-11-2020.167099 | |
14 | Identifying the Working Business Domain of a Region-Based Start-up Using Localized Machine Learning Techniques | Arghya Kusum Das,Susanta Mitra | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | Scopus | 2019 | 2278-3075 | |
15 | Undermining the Fractal and Stationary Nature of Earthquake | Bikash Sadhukhan, Somenath Mukherjee | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering | UGC | 2018 | 2347-2693 (Online) | |
16 | Security Issues in Named Data Networks |
Tanusree Chatterjee, Sushmita Ruj, Sipra Das Bit | IEEE Computer | SCI, SCOPUS | 2018 | 1558-0814 | 10.1109/MC.2018.1151010 |
17 | LoWaNA: low overhead watermark based node authentication in WSN | Arpan Sen, Tanusree Chatterjee, Sipra Das Bit | Wireless Networks, Springer | SCI, SCOPUS | 2016 | | |
18 | Important Gene Selection Based on Gene Expression using Hopfield Network | D. Chatterjee, A. Bandyopadhyay | Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology International Journal | NA | 2015 | 0974 – 9616 | |
19 | Salt and Pepper Noise Removal using Conditional Norm-Mean Filter | D. Chatterjee, S. Basak | International Journal of Scientific Project and Research | NA | 2015 | 2349-4689 | |
20 | LoENA: Low-overhead Encryption based Node Authentication in WSN | Pritam Banerjee, Tanusree Chatterjee, Sipra Das Bit | International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) | IEEE | 2015 | 978-1-4799-8792-4 | 10.1109/ICACCI.2015.7275931 |
21 | A Critical Analysis on Security Aspects of Software Development Lifecycle | Arghya Kusum Das, Sandip Rakshit | International Conference on Microelectronics Circuits & System | 2014 | |||
22 | LOCHA: A Light-Weight One-way Cryptographic Hash Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network | Amrita RoyChowdhury, TanusreeChatterjee, SipraDasBit | International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks & Technologies (ANT) | Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier | 2014 | 1877-0509 | 10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.453 |
23 | Artificial Neural network Modeling of Intrusion Detection & Prevention System | Tanusree Chatterjee, Indraneel Mukhopadhyay, Mohuya Chakraborty | International Conference on Innovative Techno-management Solutions | IEM International Journal of Management & Technology | 2012 | Print ISSN: 2229-6611 | |
24 | BackPropagation Neural Network Approach to Intrusion Detection System | Tanusree Chatterjee, Indraneel Mukhopadhyay, Mohuya Chakraborty | International Conference on Recent Trend in Information System (ReTIS) | IEEE | 2011 | 978-1-4577-0792-6 | 10.1109/ReTIS.2011.6146886 |