Techno International New Town

(Formerly known as Techno India College of Technology)

Admission Helpdesk: +919674112076/2079


Course Details Training Completed Online Test Completed
  1. Getting started java Installation
  2. First Java Program
  3. Installing Eclipse
  4. Getting started Eclipse
  5. Hello World Program in Eclipse
  6. Errors and Debugging in Eclipse
  7. Programming features Eclipse
  8. Numerical Datatypes
  9. Arithmetic Operations
  10. Strings
  11. Primitive type conversions
  12. Relational Operations
  13. if else
  14. Switch Case
  15. Loops
  16. Introduction to Array
  17. Array Operations
  18. Creating class & object
  19. Instance fields
  20. Methods
  21. Default constructor
  22. Parameterized constructors
  23. Using this keyword
  24. Non static block
  25. Constructor overloading
  26. Method overloading
  27. User Input
  28. Polymorphism
  29. Subclassing and Method Overriding
  30. Calling methods of the superclass
  31. Using final keyword
  • CSE Batch 2011-2015(10/04/15)
  • CSE Batch 2014-2018(1/08/16)
  • CSE Batch 2011-2015(20/05/15)
  • CSE Batch 2014-2018(15/12/16)

CSE Dept Details

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