Rohit Kumar Singh
Btech in Computer Science and Engineering
Techno International New Town.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest appreciation to our dedicated professors and mentors who have guided us with wisdom, patience, and unwavering support. Their passion for teaching and commitment to excellence have inspired us to reach new heights of academic achievement and critical thinking. Through their mentorship, we have not only gained knowledge but also developed the skills and confidence to face the challenges of the future.
Beyond academics, our college environment has been a vibrant tapestry of diversity, creativity, and camaraderie. From late-night study sessions to spirited debates in the classroom, from cultural festivals to sports events, we have forged lifelong friendships and cherished memories that will stay with us forever. Our college has provided us with a nurturing and inclusive community where every voice is heard, every idea is valued, and every dream is encouraged to flourish.