- Discipline and punctuality are integral to success. Attend your classes and laboratory sessions on time. Action will be taken against habitual late-comers.
- Be regular in attending your classes and laboratory sessions. Students not having minimum 75% attendance will be barred from appearing in the Semester Examinations. Be a proud TINTian. Come to the College in proper prescribed uniform. Your dress should be clean and ironed.
- Respect your fellow classmates, the senior students as well as your teachers. Use only courteous and polite language and behave with decorum with the faculty, staff, students and guests of the College.
- TINT is your very own institution. Take care of the College property. Any damage to or loss of Laboratory equipment and/or other property of the College will lead to strict disciplinary action against the miscreant.
- Take up all assignments, tests and examinations of the College seriously and try to perform the best. Any information and/or other task assigned to you should be submitted within the given deadline.
- Read notices/circulars displayed on the College Notice Board/Web site. Ignorance of not reading any notice/circular thus displayed shall not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with the directions contained in it.
- Be respectful and well-mannered towards all the staff in your College. It is important that you learn to respect the work of others. You are enjoying a safe and healthy stay at TINT because the gate-keepers and the sweepers and the peons are doing their job well.
- Be responsible for your actions and learn to share and shoulder the collective responsibility of your class.
- Use all the resources available in the college judiciously and effectively. The library, the playground, the canteen and the Common Room could be your learning and interacting hub.
- Take care of your own belongings.
- In case of any problem or confusion, bring the matter immediately to the notice of your Class Mentor. He/She is there to help you in all matters related to your academic and personal development.
- While attending College functions, conduct yourself in such a manner as to bring credit to yourself and to the Institution.
- File any genuine complaint to the concerned authority without fear.
- Don’t rag and don’t be a mute witness to ragging. It is a criminal offence punishable under the Indian Penal Code. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against any student indulging in any form of ragging or Eve-Teasing inside the College premises or outside.
- The College is your second home. Don’t litter the Campus. A clean and healthy environment will lead to a better tomorrow.
- Don’t use mobile phone or any other electronic gadget during the class or lab hours.
- Don’t loiter in the corridor or in the other areas in and around the Campus during your scheduled class hours.
- Don’t use unfair means during examination. Misconduct during examination, production of false information or documents for admission purpose and the failure to return materials taken on loan from the College would be seriously dealt with.
- Do not leave the class or attend it late under the pretext of paying fees, visiting the library etc.
- Don’t use foul language within the Campus.
- Don’t indulge in any activity that may cause harm to the others or to yourself.
- Desist from violence of any kind inside the Campus or outside it.
- Unruly gathering in groups at roads, entrance, exit and pathways is strictly prohibited.
- Smoking and/or consumption of any kind of alcoholic drinks/drugs inside the College is strictly prohibited.
- Students should not involve themselves either directly or indirectly in any form of canvassing either inside or outside the College during their period of study.