Preamble: The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been formed at Techno International New Town for the development of the institution. At the rudimentary level, the primary goal of IQAC is to develop a system for conscious and consistent action for the improvement of the academic performance of the Institution towards excellence. Additionally, it is also responsible for upholding the Institutional operations for quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and establishment of best practices. IQAC is responsible for coordinating the human elements as well that are involved in the process of education such that the vision, mission and objectives of the institution are achieved in reality. These human elements are Faculty members, Registrar, Head of the Institute, Non-teaching Staff, The Management and the Society at large.
Date of Establishment: 9th August 2017
Vision: Promoting quality culture as the prime concern of the institution through institutionalizing and internalizing all the quality-enhancing and sustaining initiatives taken with internal and external support.
Objective: The primary objectives of IQAC are as follows:
- To develop a conscious and consistent system for the enhancement of the academic and administrative performance of the institution towards excellence.
- To cultivate measures that would direct the institution functions towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and establishment of best practices.
Strategies: IQAC shall evolve a mechanism and procedures for:
- Efficient completion of academic jobs within the bounded time frame
- Different academic and research programs without compromising their quality
- Organization of academic programs at reasonable rates for various sections of society.
- Incorporation of modern tools and ICT based techniques in teaching learning processes
- Assessment and evaluation processes
- Adequate allocation and maintenance of functional support structure and services
- Bonding with other academic institutes within the country and abroad through collaborative research work.
Functions and Responsibilities:
- Development of various academic activities of the institution with application of quality benchmark
- Creation of a student centric learning environment with quality teaching and faculty development for adopting the required knowledge and technology
- Dissemination of the information on various quality parameters to all the institute stakeholders
- Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and subsequent promotion of quality circles
- Arrangement to collect and analyze feedback on quality-related processes from all the stakeholders of the institution
- Transparent documentation of the various programmes and activities leading to quality improvement
- Periodical conduction and assessment of academic audit with necessary follow up measures
- Initiation and subsequent enhancement Industry Institute partnerships to bridge the industry-academia gap
- To act as the institution’s nodal agency for coordinating quality related activities
- Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the guidelines laid out by NAAC.
- Transparency in academic activities of the institution by focusing on the functions towards academic quality enhancement
- Internalization of the academic quality culture
- Growth by coordinating various academic activities of the institution and establishing healthy practices
- Act as a dynamic agent for quality changes related to academics in the Institution
- Sound basis of documentation
- Improved internal communication