Techno International New Town

(Formerly known as Techno India College of Technology)

Admission Helpdesk: +919674112076/2079


Institutional Vision:-

To achieve excellence in transformative education inculcating research, innovation, and entrepreneurship skills that will create good leaders and innovators for sustainable growth of technology, economy, and society.

Institutional Mission:-

  1. To create a holistic ambience where state-of-the-art research, new ideas, innovation, and leadership are encouraged.
  2. To develop new knowledge and foster talent for identifying and addressing the problems faced by the industry, society, and the nation.
  3. To facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship for creation and enhancement of employability with the skills imparted and the knowledge generated.
  4. To encourage collaborative and multi-disciplinary research in partnership with the industry and other academic institutions with the aim of instilling an urge for lifelong learning in the students.


Short Term Goal:-

  1.  Fostering Entrepreneurship: To encourage entrepreneurial attitude among students and foster start-ups through education, research and training aimed at sustainable economic growth.
  2. Promote Research and Innovation: To create a supportive environment for innovation and scholarship that nurtures the talent and skills which can offer viable solutions to societal problems.
  3. Extensive Collaboration with the Industry: Bridging the Industry-Academia gap by adopting cutting-edge technology beyond the curriculum through extensive involvement with the industry and other institutes of higher education
  4. Encourage Interdisciplinary in Education: To promote an interdisciplinary academic culture with the aim to establish new centers of study for designing solutions with critical thinking and collaborative guidance.
  5. Instilling Social Responsibilities and Ethics: To advocate commitment to ethical values and social responsibilities through extension activities, with the purpose of being in service to the nation.
  6. Sustainable Ecosystem: Striving for a cleaner and greener campus where healthy learning and holistic development are encouraged.


Long Term Goal:-

  1. To achieve autonomy in education by becoming an independent self- governing Institution pursuing innovation and excellence through good governance and academic empowerment
  2. To broaden the educational base and encourage diversity in entrepreneurship for creating opportunities of employment and addressing societal problems
  3. To nurture an eco-system of research and innovation conducive to the emergence of future leaders and entrepreneurs.