Techno International New Town

(Formerly known as Techno India College of Technology)

Admission Helpdesk: +919674112076/2079


A Centralized Confidential Students Grievance Redressal Committee is present at TINT to redress the grievances and complaints of the students. The role of the Grievance Redressal Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders by ensuring transparency in admissions, preventing any unfair means and providing a mechanism to innocent students for redressal of their grievances.

A Grievance Cell is primarily constituted for the redressal of the problems reported by the students’/parent/ staff members (Teaching & Nonteaching) of the College with the following to ensure a fair, impartial, and consistent way for redressal of various issues faced by the stakeholders and at the same time to ensure that grievances are addressed and resolved promptly and in complete confidentiality.

Name of the Committee Member:

Dr. Tapas Kumar Nandi, Convener, Professor, ME

Prof. Averi Banerjee, Co-Convener, Assistant Professor, BSH

Prof. Sourav Mahapatra, Assistant Professor, IT

Dr. Soma Bose Biswas, Associate Professor, MBA

Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee, Assistant Professor, CE

Dr. Kashmi Mondal, Assistant Professor, BSH

Prof. Arghya Kusum Das, Assistant Professor, CSE

Prof. Sarasij Majumdar, Assistant Professor, MCA

Prof. Nantu Das, Assistant Professor, AEIE

Prof. Anoarul Islam, Assistant Professor, ECE

Prof. Satabdi Chatterjee, Assistant Professor, EE


The cell will deal with Grievances received from the stakeholders about any of the following matters:

  • Grievance on discrimination by students/ parent/ staff members
  • Grievance related to charging of fees
  • Non-observation of AICTE norms and standards
  • Grievance related to attendance
  • Grievance regarding non-transparent or unfair evaluation process
  • Grievance related to provision of student amenities and quality education as promised   
     or required to be provided
  • Delay in processing of scholarships
  • Grievance related to victimisation of students/ parent/ staff members
  • Grievance related to admission.

Functions & Responsibilities:

  • The Cell shall investigate any type of grievance of the students or parent or faculty members or staff members, only in such cases where the issue has not been resolved even after formal complaint to the concerned authority.
  • The Cell shall decide its course of action only after detailed discussion with both the complainant and the person or group of persons against whom the grievance has been lodged.
  • If the Cell feels it necessary for proper judgement, it may interview other persons (faculty members or students or office staff or guardians) related to the incident under consideration.
  • The Cell shall execute its decision only after consultation with and approval of the Director of the College.
  • Any matter related to ragging or sexual harassment in any form shall mostly remain outside the purview of the Cell.