Techno International New Town

(Formerly known as Techno India College of Technology)

Admission Helpdesk: +919674112076/2079


Course Details Training Completed Online Test Completed
  1. Basics of Shell Scripting
  2. Command Line arguments and Quoting
  3. Command Line arguments and Quoting
  4. Array Operations in BASH
  5. More on Arrays
  6. Conditional execution
  7. Nested and multilevel if elsif statements
  8. Logical Operators
  9. Arithmetic Comparison
  10. String and File attributes
  11. Conditional Loops
  12. More on Loops
  13. Case statement
  14. Using File Descriptors
  15. Basics of functions
  16. More on functions
  17. Arrays and functions
  18. Advance topics in a function
  19. Recursive function
  20. Basics of Redirection (error handling)
  21. More on Redirection
  22. Here document and Here string
  • CSE Batch 2012-2016(4/02/15)
  • CSE Batch 2012-2016(29/04/15)

CSE Dept Details

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