Techno International New Town

(Formerly known as Techno India College of Technology)

Admission Helpdesk: +919674112076/2079


Course Details Training Completed Online Test Completed
  1. 1.Overview of Library Management System
  2. 2.Creating a Java web project
  3. 3.Java servlets and JSPs
  4. 4.Servlet Methods
  5. 5.Database and validation
  6. 6.Creating and viewing inventories
  7. 7.Issuing and Returning a book
  •  CSE Batch 2011-2015(10/04/15)
  •  CSE Batch 2012-2016(21/01/16)
  •  CSE Batch 2013-2017(9/08/16)
  •  Not Applicable

CSE Dept Details

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