Successful Startups
Rishav Sadhu (ME-4th year) and Ankit Kumar Gupta (ME-2nd year) students have won xTech Incubation Programme package from ‘THINK AGAIN LAB’ on 7th of May 2019 for their Start-up ‘LAYAANA’ which is an App based hyper local delivery service that helps a customer to get an on-demand doorstep delivery.
Some of the students of Mechanical Department has shown their interest in Entrepreneurship and built their startup company WebInGo in 2017 and in less than a year, they have successfully grown their firm with full of enthusiasm and portfolios. Not only some private projects but also they are working on some government projects sincerely. Being all the mechanical background student, they showed their keen interest in software skills and proved that they are not job seekers but job givers. Our faculty members cooperated them to build their vision into the next level and they implemented the idea into their business. We proud to have such students in our college and our faculty members are always be there to help them as because we encourage " ENTREPRENEURSHIP ".
Aim of WebInGo : WebInGo is a IT Solution based company which works on Web Development, Software Development, App Development and Digital Marketing with SEO etc. The aim of this firm is to provide a better service to grow your activity into the next level and show them in public to get more visitors/customers.
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RISHAV SADHU (Cofounder & CTO, WebInGo)
We wish team WebInGo all the best and success with happiness ahead.