Techno International New Town

(Formerly known as Techno India College of Technology)

Admission Helpdesk: +919674112076/2079


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1. To facilitate students develop themselves as effective professionals, capable of solving real life problems using relevant knowledge and skills with a keen sense of ethics and integrity.

PEO2. To create industry-ready managers who can bring in creativity and innovation to the workplace.

PEO3. To inculcate entrepreneurial skills among students and prepare them for independent ventures.

PEO4.To inculcate leadership traits through various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

PEO5.To enable the students to engage themselves in life-long learning and also become socially aware of the sustainable needs of the evolving business and social environment.


Program Outcomes (POs):

PO1.Business Environment and Domain Knowledge (BEDK):Students should be able to improve their awareness and knowledge about functioning of local and global business environment and society.
PO2. Critical thinking, Business Analysis, Problem Solving and Innovative Solutions (CBPI): Students should be able to develop skills on analysing the business data, application of relevant analysis, and problem solving in the management functional areas. 
PO3. Global Exposure and Cross-Cultural Understanding (GECCU):Students should be able to demonstrate a global outlook with the ability to identify aspects of global business and cross-cultural understanding.
PO4.Social Responsiveness and Ethics (SRE)Students should be able to demonstrate their understanding of business ethics and resolving ethical dilemmas.
PO5.Effective Communication (EC):Students should be able to develop effective oral and written communication especially in business applications, with the use of appropriate technology (business presentations, digital communication, social network platforms and so on).
PO6.Leadership and Teamwork (LT):Students should be able to collaborate and lead teams across organizational boundaries and demonstrate leadership qualities in diverse business environment.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO1.Facilitating students in solving real life problems using relevant knowledge and skills with a keen sense of ethics and integrity.

PSO2. Creating future leaders who can bring in innovation to the workplace.

PSO3.Enabling student engagement in life-long learning and also become aware of the global sustainable needs.