Techno International New Town

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A workshop on “Enhancing Language Learning Skills by Games”
Friday, June 03, 2022, 10:00am
Hits : 40

The Department of Basic Science and Humanities, at Techno International New Town organized a workshop on “Enhancing Language Learning Skills by Games” on the 3 rd of June, 2022(Friday).  The workshop was held in two halves. All registered students were instructed to attend the workshop in either of the halves. The speaker, Dr. Atanu Saha excels in linguistic discourses based on digital pedagogical processes and related to the attendees the importance of ELT (English Language Teaching) and discussed how language acquisition is a continuous process that involves innovation and skills. The speaker also foregrounded his idea of using simple games to learn basic English Grammar and vocabulary skills that would aid engineering students in developing their soft skills through hands-on techniques. Dr. Saha also elucidated the ways in which students could program and devise their customized software and codify them based on their requirements. After the enriching oration, the attendees were asked to download apps like ESL Game Plus and Scratch in their respective devices and were taught to install, program and run their own designs in their laptops. The attendees were found engrossed in this interesting session and the speaker facilitated them and resolved their queries on a personal level and clarified all their queries. The students were then divided into groups of 11 each where they were given chits to pick. Each group was given a board game and they were monitored and conducted by the faculty members of the Department of English (basic Science and Humanities). Games like Charades, Word Chain. Hangman, Name- Place-Animal-Thing and others were devised for the groups and students were awarded with tokens for exemplary performances. The attendees thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. Feedback was taken from each of the attendees where they had mentioned how the session had turned out to be esemplastic for them and the ideas they took back added to their holistic and life-long learning process.
Organized by: Department of Basic Science and Humanities